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Expend accessible-scope of useContext

In some certain cases, the dapp page might want to be grainted access to consume the following contexts:

  1. NotifiSubscriptionContext --> useNotifiSubscriptionContext()
  2. NotifiClientContext --> useNotifiClientContext()

However, these two contexts are only available inside the NotifiSubscriptionCard component


Reason: they are wrapped inside the NotifiSubscriptionCard component.

The real use case is like below:

  • Toggle to subscribe alert outside of card

  • Press button to subscribe alert outside of card

[SDK] Consolidate NotifiSubscriptionContextProvider and NotifiFormProvider

The scope includes:

  • Move the NotifiSubscriptionContextProvider and NotifiFormProvider into NotifiContext
  • Consolidate NotifiSubscriptionCard and NotifiSubscriptionCardContainer

Step#1: NotifiContext

<NotifiSubscriptionContextProvider {...params}>
<NotifiClientContextProvider {...params}>

Then in dapp side, we can simply use the NotifiContextProvider to wrap the component that might want to consume the context (ex. App.tsx in case whole app needs to consume the context)

Step#2: Consolidate NotifiSubscriptionCard and NotifiSubscriptionCardContainer

After Step#1, we can now consolidate the NotifiSubscriptionCard and NotifiSubscriptionCardContainer into one component.

Step3: Update the notifi-react-example showcasing the way to use the context outside of NotifiSubscriptionCard (SolanaCard)

In the case we want to use the NotifiSubscriptionContext and NotifiClientContext in SolanaCard page, we will need to create a wrapper to wrap the SolanaCard.

export const SolanaNotifiContextWrapper: React.FC<PropsWithChildren> = ({
}) => {
// TODO ...
return (
<div className="container">
{/* TODO ... */}
<WalletConnectButton />
{/* TODO ... */}

Then We can wrap the SolanaCard with SolanaNotifiContextWrapper.

// ...
const supportedViews: Record<ESupportedViews, React.ReactNode> = {
[ESupportedViews.DemoPreview]: <DemoPrviewCard />,
[ESupportedViews.Solana]: (
<SolanaCard />
[ESupportedViews.WalletConnect]: <WalletConnectCard />,
[ESupportedViews.Polkadot]: <PolkadotCard />,
[ESupportedViews.Sui]: <SuiNotifiCard />,
[ESupportedViews.Keplr]: <KeplrCard />,
// ...

Finally, we can use the useNotifiSubscriptionContext and useNotifiClientContext in SolanaCard page.


Here we check if the client is initialized and authenticated, then we can show the list of alerts.

// ...
const { alerts } = useNotifiSubscriptionContext();
const { client } = useNotifiClientContext();
// ...
return (
<div className="container">
{/* TODO: Other corresponding changes... */}
<h3>Display NotifiSubscriptionCard</h3>
{client.isInitialized && client.isAuthenticated ? (
{Object.keys(alerts).length > 0 &&
Object.keys(alerts).map((alert) => (
<li key={alerts[alert]?.id}>
) : (
<div>Not yet register Notification</div>
// ...

{/* TODO: Other corresponding changes... */}

[SDK] Finalize example for the rest of supported chains

Just repeat the same steps as above for other supported chains:

  • KeplrCard.tsx
  • PolkadotCard.tsx
  • SuiNotifiCard.tsx
  • WalletConnectCard.tsx