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Simple example of using user-defined type guard to filter out undefined

If you are coming from Javascript to Typescript, you must have come across the situation that you want to filter out undefined from an array. However, the type of the array is still T | undefined after filtering even though we know that the array does not contain undefined anymore. Checkout the simple example below:

type Foo = {
a: string;
b: number;

const UnfilteredFoos: (Foo | undefined)[] = [{ a: "a", b: 1 }, undefined, { a: "b", b: 2 }];

const filteredFoos = UnfilteredFoos.filter((foo) => !!foo); // filteredFoos is still Foo | undefined

The reason is that Typescript does not know the exact type from the return value of filter function which is only a boolean type. So we need to tell typescript more explicitly by passing a user-defined type guard function to the filter function.

const filteredFoos = UnfilteredFoos.filter((foo): foo is Foo => !!foo); // filteredFoos is Foo[]

It means we tell typescript that if the !!foo is true, then the type of foo is Foo.