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Debug web app using xCode iOS Simulator

Why do we need to debug web app in iOS Simulator?

  • Debug web app in mobile iphone environment
  • Debug and test Progressive Web App (PWA) in iOS environment


  • xCode installed
  • Mac or MacBook with macOS installed

Enable iOS Simulator in xCode

  1. Open xCode
  2. Go to Xcode > Developer Tools > Simulator

Then you can see the iOS Simulator window pop up.

Debug web app in iOS Simulator

Mobile simulator side

  1. Open Safari in iOS Simulator
  2. Go to the web app URL you want to debug

Desktop side

  1. Open Safari in your Mac
  2. Go to Develop

Then we can see the iOS Simulator in the list like below:

  1. Select the page under either Safari or Service Worker, then you will see a new dev tool window pop up.

NOTE: Safari and Service Worker are the two different contexts, so you will need to select both of them if you want to inspect both contexts.