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Axios Http Request

Axios is a very popular http request library in nodejs. It is easy to use and has a lot of features.

But some of you might be like me, often forget the field definition of the axios' corresponding args with the Http protocol.

Before getting into axios usage. we first want to go through a little detail about the basic of http protocol

When we want to ask a server to do something, we need to send a request to the server. Nowadays the most common way to send request is using http protocol.

Then after the server received the request, it will do the work and send back the response to us.

In this article, we will focus on how to send a request to the server by axios.

Http Request

Request Line

The first line of an HTTP request is called the request line. It contains three fields: the request method, the URI, and the HTTP version.

GET / HTTP/1.1

The most important part is the method, there are several methods in http protocol, the most common ones are GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.

Request Header

Header just a key-value pair, it contains some information about the request. You can get more information about the header here.

What we often need to customized in the header is the Authorization header. It is used to tell the server who you are. It is often used with the Bearer token.

If coming across the CORS issue, you might need to manipulate the Origin header to tell the server where you are from.

Request Body

It is the final part of the request. It is used to send some data to the server. It is often used in the POST request. Not all requests have one: requests fetching resources, like GET, HEAD, DELETE, or OPTIONS, usually don't need one


with the basic knowledge of http request, we can start to use axios to send a request.


We will use a real word example to show how to use axios to send a request to the server. in this case, we are using the Line notify api to send a message to the line group.

Create a line notify token for certain group

  1. login to line notify with your line account

  2. Click top-right corner your account profile name and select my page

  3. Select the group you want to create a token for and click Create Token

  4. Test the token by sending a message to the group using Postman

Now we can see the post request detail above, the http request should look like this:

Compose Http header and body

// Header below
POST /api/notify HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {token}
// other headers
// ...

// Body below

Understand the interface of axios post method and compose the request

To use, we need to firstly understand how to pass in the current info into the function.

url: string,
data?: any,
config?: AxiosRequestConfig<any> | undefined
): Promise<AxiosResponse<any, any>>

from the above function definition, we can see that the function has three arguments.

  1. endpoints: the url of the api
  2. formData: the data we want to send to the server
  3. config: a AxiosRequestConfig object which contains the header and body parts of the request

The third argument is the most important one which contains the header and body parts.

You can check out the official code base for the detail of the AxiosRequestConfig object. You will realize that the params argument is in optional any type which is not very helpful.

Basically, the params can contains our body with any key-pair value.

With this knowledge, we can start sending the post request to line server and send a message to the line group.

const endpoint = "";
const notifyGroupToken = "your-line-notify-group-specific-token";
// we dont have formData in this case, so we can just pass in an empty object
// the config object with header and body content
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${notifyGroupToken}`,
params: {
message: `Hello world`,
.then((res) => {
.catch((e) => {
.finally(() => {


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Coming soon... 🛠️


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