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Deploy Nextjs project with Lerna and Vercel

Vercel is a cloud platform for static sites and Serverless Functions which is the best place to deploy Next.js applications as vercel is optimized for Next.js (vercel is also the creator of Next.js).

In this article, we will deploy a Next.js managed by Lerna mono-repo to Vercel. It is a bit tricky since Vercel will auto-detect the project and as our root is not Next.js but Lerna, Vercel will auto-select Other as the setup project. Some configurations are needed in this case:

Build command

As we are on on the root of .lerna, we need to specify the build command pointing to the Next.js project.

In case the project has the following package.json:

"name": "example-package",
// ...
"scripts": {
"build:next": "next build"
// ...
// ...

We will need to specify the build command as below:

npx lerna --scope=example-package run build:next

Output directory

The output directory is the directory where the build command will output the files. In the case of Next.js, it is the .next directory.


Install command

There is the place requires a bit of trick. We need to build the whole mono-repo before start building the Next.js project. Otherwise, the Next.js project will not be able to find the dependencies.

So npm run build is required after npm install

If we have the following package.json in the root of the project:

"name": "example-lerna-project",
// ...
"scripts": {
"build": "npx lerna run build"
// ...
// ...

We will need to specify the install command section as below:

npm install && npm run build

The real-world example

We deployed notifi-react-example-v2 project managed by Lerna mono-repo to Vercel. The result is here

Our config is like this:
