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Restore Home Server from Duplicati

After getting a clean rapsbian OS installed on the Raspberry Pi, we need to update system first:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt autoclean -y

Reboot system and install docker (comes with docker compose).

curl -sSL | sh

Cd into /opt/ and grant yourself the ownership and change the mode to 777.

cd /opt/ && \
sudo chown -R pi . && \
sudo chmod -R 777 .

Install Duplicati docker container using docker compose.


version: '3.0'

container_name: duplicati-backup
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Asia/Tokyo
- /opt/duplicati/config:/config
- /opt:/source
- 8200:8200
restart: unless-stopped

And run sudo docker compose up -d. Delete the docker-compose.yml file after the container is up and running because we will restore this yml file from the backup later.

Access Duplicati from http://your-home-server-ip:8200 and only restore the docker-compose.yml file from the backup.

Stop the docker container for all your running services besides Duplicati.

sudo docker stop <container-name>

And we need to run the following command to grant the ownership and change the mode of the newly created config files from docker

cd /opt/ && \
sudo chown -R pi . && \
sudo chmod -R 777 .

Remove the auto generated config rm -rf ./homeasistant/ ./pihole/.

Then we can see the restored docker-compose.yml file in /opt/ and run sudo docker compose up -d to start all the services. In my case, I have

  • Home Assistant
  • Pi-hole
  • Duplicati

Then access deuplicati from http://your-home-server-ip:8200 again and restore the rest of the files from the backup.

Then we should be ready to go by creating a new account for HASS