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Setting up ESPresense with ESP32

plug in the ESP32 board to the computer through USB cable.


You will see see a USB Serial(xxxx) when you click on connect.

Then click Install

After install, you will see a new SSID starting with espresense-xxxx in the wifi list.

Connect to the wifi and open the browser to

We will see the config page. Firstly, we only need to set up the wifi to connect and the password. Click Save on the bottom left corner. Then click Restart device on the top left corner.

Then the Esp will connect to the the local lan. Find the IP address of the ESP32 in the router page and visit the IP address in the browser.


If we cannot find the IP address of the ESP32, now we probably able to see a new visit this device if we connect through USB cable to

Now we can start configuring the MQTT server (brocker) to which we want this ESP32 to connect.

  • Server: Home Assistant IP address
  • Port: 1883
  • Username: 'mosquitto-broker-username'
  • Password: 'mosquitto-broker-password'

Click Save and Restart device.

Now go back to home assistant, we will see the a new entity in the MQTT integration block.

Enroll devices to the ESPpresense sensor

Go to the ESPresense sensor web page, click on devices, then click on Enroll button. Follow the on-screen instruction to enroll the device.

After enroll , modify the configuration.yaml file in the Home Assistant to add the new device mqtt sensor.

- platform: mqtt_room
name: 'Eric iPhone SE 2' # enrolled name
device_id: 'eric_iphone_se' #device id
state_topic: 'espresense/devices/eric_iphone_se' # must follow this convention espresense/devices/<device_id>
timeout: 10
away_timeout: 120

Then we are good to go.